We want our puppies to live their best lives

Health Testing

All Sashenka mating pairs are health tested and you are able to request reports on the following;
* ORCHID/CHED Hip/Elbow Scores
*ORCHID/ACES Eye Examination including genetic eye disease
*ORIVET Comprehensive Genetic Testing
*Regular Specialist Vet Hospital General Health Checks

Courses Undertaken by us - Understanding Hip & Elbow Dysplasia (May 2022) canine Institute of Biology USA

VIDEO - Understanding Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

we are very proud to be a part of


CONDUCTED BY DR. CAROL BEUCHAT PHD. from the Institute of Canine Biology - USA

We are always striving to do the best by our dogs and pups and look at the latest research to do so

More about hip dysplasia from -Riser

"....hip joints of puppies are normal at birth, hip dysplasia is not congenital. Rather, it is a developmental disorder that results from abnormal biomechanical stresses on the joint in the young puppy."


Riser stressed that the secret to producing sound hips is for the joint to remain "congruent" while the puppy grows. This means that the ball of the femur should be well-seated in the socket, and the curvature of the socket matched with that of the ball.

Congrueny is maintained by the supportive tissues of the hip: the joint capsule, the pelvic musculature, and the teres ligament that attaches the head of the femur to the face of the acetabulum.

Because the hip joints of puppies are normal at birth, hip dysplasia is not congenital. Rather, it is a developmental disorder that results from abnormal biomechanical stresses on the joint in the young puppy.

If the normal structure of the hip can be maintained until ossification at about six months provides resistance to deformation, the hips of the adult dog will be normal.

This means that what the hip joints of a puppy will experience in the first months after birth will set the stage for the quality of the hips for a lifetime.

The traction mats have two key roles in the proper development of the hip joint in puppies.

First, the Traction Mats prevent the feet from slipping, which prevents hyperextension of the back legs that can damage the teres ligament and produce the laxity that predisposes the animal to development of dysplastic hips.

Second, the Traction Mats allow the puppy to stand at birth, which promotes the development of strong leg and pelvic muscles. that help maintain congruity of the joint. These muscles play a critical role in stabilizing the joint and maintaining congruency.

Of the other factors that come to play in the development of hip dysplasia, body weight of the puppy needs to be controlled. The heavier the puppy, the more difficult it will be for the muscles to maintain joint congruency, and the greater the damage to the joint when they don't. Fat puppies might be cute but the risk of hip damage is high. Remember, the hips are normal at birth, and the development of dysplasia reflects the failure to prevent damage before the strength provided by ossification provided by about 6 months of age.

This is why Traction Mats should be essential for the whelping box from the day of birth until puppies no longer nurse while prone (when they are most likely to hyperextend the back legs).

"Few students of biological science are trained to look beyond biochemistry and pathobiology to apply two principles fundamental to the architect and mechanical engineer; these are sound structure and sufficient bracing. The application of these principles seems essential to the investigation of hip dysplasia."

 - Wayne H. Riser, DVM; Founder and first Program Director of the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

puppies bones don't touch?

from Facebook page

This is something everyone should see. This Xray is of a 2-week-old puppy.

When you get your 8/10-week-old puppies, please keep this image in mind. Their bones do not even touch yet. They plod around so cutely with big floppy paws and wobbly movement because their joints are entirely made up of muscle, tendons, ligaments with skin covering. Nothing is fitting tightly together or has a true socket yet.

When you run them excessively or don't restrict their exercise to stop them from overdoing it during this period you don't give them a chance to grow properly. Every big jump or excited bouncing run causes impacts between the bones. In reasonable amounts this is not problematic and is the normal wear and tear that every animal will engage in.

But when you're letting puppy jump up and down off the lounge or bed, take them for long walks/hikes, you are damaging that forming joint. When you let the puppy scramble on tile with no traction you are damaging the joint.

You only get the chance to grow them once. A well-built body is something that comes from excellent breeding and a great upbringing-BOTH, not just one.

Once grown - around 12-18 months depending on their breed, you will have the rest of their life to spend playing and engaging in higher impact exercise. So keep it calm while they're still little baby puppies and give the gift that can only be given once.